Civil society scaling up Nutrition in Nigeria (cs _ sunn) has organized a three days capacity strengthening on tracking multiple micro nutrients supplements coverage, it’s uses and Adherence in Kano.
The jigawa state cs- sunn co-ordinator Mallam shuaibu Musa Kafin Gana during an interview with a journalist in the state said that the major essence of the event was to bring on board all relevant stakeholders in Kano state to become in tune on the importance and uses of MMs to pregnant mothers.
The co-ordinator highlighted on some of the presentation made in regards to data capturing which was taught to the participants, the use of kobo collect data tool for capturing of quality data while conducting a survey.
Whereby he said that a questionnaire is administered to reproductive mothers on the intake of MMs which findings from the survey can reveal answers to the questions.
“Women especially pregnant mothers residing in rural communities should be given an elaborate explanation on the efficacy of the MMs through the use of the questionnaire tool app, in terms of how they feel, how do they access the MMS, is it distance their challenge behind accessing of the MMS, so if these questions are administered to them correctly, obviously the outcome will be impactful mallam shuaibu said”.
The cs- SUNN co-ordinator gave an insightful feature of how the MMs bottle is and various kinds of Nutrients contained inside the supplement bottle are vitamins and minerals for the healthy growth and development of the baby and the mother.

He however said that MMs is free cannot be shared to anyone as each bottle contains one hundred or one hundred and eighty tablets to be taken each day for a period of six months immediately a women discovered she is pregnant.
“Depending on the time she feels taking it, it can be in the morning, Afternoon, or evening but it should be taken each day with water and to include eating nutritious foods, avoid crushing or chewing the MMS Kafin gana added”.
He then said that if in the instance MMs bottle contains one hundred tablets which is taken for three months and ten days the pregnant women are suppose to revisit the health facility to collect the remaining dosage of the MMs.
The cs- SUNN co-ordinator jigawa state call on male spouses to support their pregnant wives in granting them a standing permission to access Anc services at the right time in order to avoid the occurrence of danger during and after delivery as iron deficiency which is the major cause of anemia insufficient blood in the pregnant mother leads to maternal mortality.