Welcoming the participants to the event, the Director Operations AMG Foundation sulaiman Jalo said the media dialogue aims to foster discussions on accelerating action for every woman Every New born Every where (EWENE), Nigeria’s family planning 2030 commitments and the collaborative Advocacy Action plan.
He said that the engagements of media professionals, Advocates and stakeholders dialogue is to create awareness, generate media support and drive strategic communication to amplify policies and programs focused on maternal, newborn and reproductive health outcomes in the country.
On her part the resource person AMG Foundation Amina Haladu show case on the commitment of the Nigeria fP 2030 commitment and its accountability Approach.
She made a presentation on the gaps and challenges as well the priority areas that needs to be addressed and improve on.
Chairman AMG Foundation and lead convener Media dialogue Dr Aminu Magashi Garba said that the essence of the media dialogue is to mobilize the Media in the state to understand the action plans for maternal new born and child health care in Kano and the country.
He said that the commitment made by the federal government and the state government needs to be ascertain, to ensure that drugs and consumables are readily available in the health facilities each day.
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“drugs for postpartum bleeding for our pregnant mothers for example oxytocin, capitocin,misoprosol drugs that will reduce exclampsia that is convulsion during pregnancy like magnesium sulfate and also antenatal care drugs like iron sulfate, folic acid and paracetamol and so many other things that will help to reduce maternal mortality in kano including family planning commodities,” he stated.
Dr Magashi said that it is pertinent to note that policy makers should put all hands on deck to support safe delivery as well prevent pregnant mothers from any form of dangers associated during pregnancy and delivery.
On her part, the co-chair Kano state Led Accountability mechanism (kanSlam) Nafisa Ahmed Murtala said that there is need for strengthen collaboration between the state health sector and the media to continuously create awareness to the general public on the importance of child birth spacing.
And call for the need for more adequate child birth spacing drugs and consumables in all the local government health care facilities in the state.
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Some media participants when interviewed express their gratitude for attending the media dialogue event and call on policy makers to be steadfast in the timely releases of funds for child birth spacing to avoid stock out of the drugs across health facilities in the state and pledge to continuously sensitize the general public and various stakeholders on the importance of reducing maternal mortality in the state.